Tuan Punya Cerita

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Somewhere Over the Rainbow
I am no Nyonya.

December 27, 2011

LIMA 2011 yaww!!

Assalammualaikum and Comment allez-vous?? Très bien, merci. hoho!
It's been a long since ai last update ze blog kan? 
Well, am quite busy though this month. Busy jenjalan. hohoh!

Member2 aku semua dah update blog dorang dengan LIMA's stories. Aku je lambat sekentut. hahah! Chop!Apesal tetiba nak cerita pasal LIMA plak ni?haiyooo..meh nak story sikit. LIMA stands for Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition and of course its been held at Langkawi. Nak bagitaw sikit, guwa jadik volunteer meh!haha! *hidungtinggidikembang2kan*
Berbekalkan Nikon D60 kepunyaan cik rumet punya kakak, aku sempatla jadik batak sekejap kat Langkawi tuh. First time pergi Langkawi meh. Mestila batak sikit. hahaha!

Okke. Enough with all bla-bla-yadda-yadda, nah gamba. tengok diam2. hahah! Enjoy!


abang2 polis tengah briefing.sempat lagik pose tuh.

at last!i get to see sunrise!wuhoo!

the resort that we were staying.
tepi pantai yaww! hahah!

ze roomates!

typhoon!!sadly,i didn't get the chance to sit in the pilot seat.
lifetime dream hancuss..huaa!

Korean exhibitor. actually we came to her was to collect the souvenir.
at first,she said there's no more souvenir.then,we use the 'killer' move by saying
"KAMSAHAMNIDA" and she was like, "OMO!". at last,she did gave us the pin. haha!

EADS ladies!

zhe naval aviator!

with Prof.Haji Ahmad Zahir, our lecturer!
ai was like,seriously excited sebab dapat jumpe Prof!
sadly,ai didn't get to take pic with Mr.Maulan and his wife. Because
of them i get the chance to be the volunteer. Thank you sir. :')

with Tompok (MAS mascot)!
*sape suh ko polok2 haku??kan da makan penumbuk manje2 gitu.haha!*

MAS airplane.

Airbus yaw!!

DCNS ships!

on one of the warships!seriously cantek gileh!

berangan jadik captain! 
"abandon ship!"

Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir yaww!! with Qatar's PM.
*credit: Dutchess farTenna*

meet my old time friend! Zeti! :)
*one of my friends masa zaman jimba2 Form 1 dulu2.hihi*

my Registration's friends! :)
*credit: Razif (ampun!haku curik ni dari FB die.hehehe)*

with Mr.Aziz, our Safety and Security lecturer!
and yes,he did treat us dinner at Islandish! sila jeles sekarang.

UniKL's volunteers!
*haku tengah pegang elaun tuh!hahah!*

Riang ria kanak2 ribena!!
*almaklumla baru dapat elaun. hihih*

Abang2 coconut shake yang friendly!
wajib try kat Chenang!
*abang2,saye promot kedai bang ni. royalti skit! haha!*

Sunset :)

*credit: dutchess fartenna de beyonce*

bukti kebatakkan daku!hohoho!

zhe volunteers!!
but i think i was being a bit low profile,so almost nobody knows meh!kuikui!

Amacam??Sila jeles sekarang! hahah! jahat!
Get to join this LIMA was the best memory, the best experience i've ever made in this year and maybe in my life. :)
Ade lagi berlambak2 gambar haku tangkap masa LIMA ni. malas nak edit and upload. hihi.

And yep, hidung aku dah nak tercabut dah ni sebab bau ubat nyamuk Gajahgila ni.
General Mama dah bising2 anak dara beliau tak reti2 nak tido lagi and lepas tu mula la
merengek2 muka naik jerawat la, mata macam panda la, bla-bla-bla. haha!
Till meet again!
dari saya,
Nyonya Adzhar!

bukti batak yang kedua. kuikui! =.="


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