Assalammualaikum, and 잘지내셨어요 (how are you)??
haha!tetibe mood nak berkorea pulak kan. pffft!
I watched Mishka just now and i was like 'Wooww! that dog can talk la!'
(another prove how noob i am =.=")
Ada satu video pasal Mishka ni yang paling aku suka where her owner asked her,
owner: Mishka,do you like Justin Bieber?
Wahai anjing,ko sangat pandai!haha!
that's just some spoof.
Ape type darah korang?? A ke? B ke? AB ke? O ke?
ke ade yang darah C?? alien woh! call bomba cepat! we got C blood here! haha! *lame*.
Mine is B.
Yeah! B. kenapa?? tak percaya?? haha! Percayalah! The timid me got the B-type blood! haha!
Baru-baru ni, aku ade baca sikit2 pasal personaliti based on jenis darah ni.
Got to say, about 85% ade kena sikit2 dengan aku. sikit je. tak banyak.
you guys shud watch 'My Boyfriend is Type-B'.
guwa cakap korang ah, Korean ni dorang agak freak sikit dengan blood type nih.
that's why la dorang buat banyak gila kajian pasal blood personality nih.
Well, i got some interesting 'pictures that tell stories' to share with you,guys.
Pasal macam mana a person behave based on their Korean blood type.
(pehal Korea je minah ni??sebab aku suka Korea.jangan tanya lebih2)
Ini hanya untuk suka-suka okke.
Kalau sama tu, macam tu la korang.
Kalau tak sama tu, memanglah. Tak semua benda exactly 100% is the same kan. Wallahualam.
including me! hell yeah!
takat sini je la. Got assignments to be done and 'Running Man' to watch. haha! 2 in 1 meh!
Korang mampu??haha!
Till meet again peeps!
dari saya,
Nyonya Adzhar
aku memang suke gambar2 blur ni. jangan tanya kenapa. haha! |
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